Thank you so much for the work that you do- this has been the salve that I didn't know I needed to the brutal hole I feel left in me since binging all three seasons in the last week haha <3 I also feel that you've opened my eyes to analyzing video/film; as someone whose favourite class was english lit, the visual/audio aspects of your analyses have been blowing my mind and opens up so many more dimensions to how different themes and ideas can be explored.

I wanted to share some thoughts I had while watching the scenes that have been mentioned: In the scenes leading up to the rowing competition, I thought it odd that we just know of the competing dorm being the enemy but have literally no explicit scenes or dialogue with them, I don't even remember seeing any shots of the rivalry team in any detail. This felt weird to me since one sidedly Team Skogsbacken just hated on Granhult without knowing much about them, which could be a direct parallel with the lack of information Wille has on Marcus but hating him anyway. I also felt that hiding the enemy team was a parallel to show how invisible Marcus is- the school cared so much when Wille made out with Felice but the students had no reaction/didn't seem to notice when Marcus kissed Simon. It only really affected Wille and this may point to the fact that Simon's actions are not nearly as scrutinized when they're not associated with Wille and he is able to live how he wants to openly; the rumours and suffocating attention only kicks in when Simon is with Wille and yet we see Simon fighting for their love anyway, which I find really beautiful.

In response to the horror movie comment with Marcus and Simon making out (which I find hilarious) I thought it was such a juxtaposition to Wille and Simon when they were watching their horror movie- they then shared a first kiss that was hesitant and full of desire and curiosity with lots of close up shots, making it extremely intimate and beautiful. In contrast, the shot of Simon kissing Marcus (I think this was their first kiss too) on the couch was a weird shot from below and a bit far back if I remember correctly, which made me as an audience member feel distant and thus not invested. The kiss also felt rushed and haphazard, lacking that careful approach and gentleness between Simon and Wille. I swear the writers threw in a mention of a horror movie so that our minds would flicker back to how perfect and different Simon's kiss with Wille was.

I thought I loved the show before but this is elevating my love for it to an unspeakable level so thanks a million! Looking forward to reading more of your work, P

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I just subscribed to your substack, I’ve been spending the last couple of days reading your articles and I’m still working my way through all of them but they are all absolutely fantastic. If you end up exploring other shows or movies I will definitely go and watch whatever you end up talking about just so I can continue reading your articles because your analysis’ are always so good and well written and just so so good! I’m really enjoying reading all your analysis’ on Young Royals right now! Lots of things I never thought much about or examined very closely! I usually only examine costuming closely because I was a costuming major for a bit but man there’s so much more to read into!

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Thank you. What a lovely thing to say. You've just made my evening! It's just so nice to find a comment like this and also really great motivation to keep writing.

Welcome to my little corner of the interwebs. I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying yourself here.

On a slightly different note: If you like to suggest a show or movie that I should watch and write about, please don't hesitate to do so. I can't promise I'll get to it very soon, though, because I have a really strict writing schedule right now (so I can keep posting about one article per week).

The next one is coming tomorrow (I had intended to post it today, but it needs one more round of proofreading). I've got something lined up for next weekend, as well. And starting on the weekend of 6./7. October there will be a lot coming for the paid subscriber community.

Thank you again for your kind words, thank you for subscribing and thank you so much for your trust in me.

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Both the main course and the dessert were exquisite, as usual. I'm definitely getting used to being spoiled like this👍😁.

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Bon appétit.:)

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